Qianyu (Kenneth) Zheng

Data Scientist, Machine Learning Engineer

Me at

About Me


  • Georgia Institute of Technology (August 2022 - Current):
    • Majoring: Computer Science
    • Threads: Intelligence & Theory
    • Current GPA: 4.0
  • Shanghai Foreign Language School Affiliated to SISU (September 2019 - June 2022):
  • Skills

  • Mathematical concepts: Differential/integral/multi-variable calculus, Linear Algebra, Probability & Statistics with applications
  • Programming Languages: Python, Java, C, C++, JavaScript
  • Computer Science Knowledge:
    Programming: Object-Oriented Programming, Data Structures, Algorithms
    Data Science: Excel, Data Warehouse Design, Databases, Pentaho (ETL tools)
    Machine Learning: Classical ML algorithms, Deep Learning, Graph Neural Networks, Time series analysis, Pytorch, Tensorflow
  • Languages: English (equivalent to native), Chinese (native), German (classroom-level)
  • Awards & Certifications

  • AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner: (CLF-C02)
    Validation number: 259839d835d64b28978de395d9aaffa2
    Validate by clicking here.
  • AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty: (MLS-C01)
    Validation number: 93220dfe96364be6a50c2d62d2eb1f48
    Validate by clicking here.
  • Microsoft Excel 2019 Expert: (MO-201)
    Validate by clicking here.
  • Microsoft Excel 2019 Associate: (MO-200)
    Validate by clicking here.
  • Faculty Honors: Dean's List from Georgia Institute of Technology in Fall 2022, Spring 2023, Fall 2023.
  • Portfolio

    Crystal Structure

    Curriculum Vitae

    See my CV by clicking on this link.


    I currently work at Fung Group at Georgia Institute of Technology on applying Machine Learning techniques in the field of material science under Associate Professor Victor Fung at School of CSE at Georgia Tech. Here is a list of projects I worked on:
    • Utilize graph contrastive learning in pretraining to enhance the performance of CGCNN for energy predictions.
    • Create an ASE-based calculator and establish procedures for structure optimization and molecular dynamic simulation experiments. The relevant code is available in our lab's MatDeepLearn repository.
    • Devise hybrid models that integrate Graph Neural Networks with physical potentials to augment the performance of GNNs in predicting crystal structure properties.
    • Related skills: Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), PyTorch framework, deep learning, physically-informed machine learning, and research methods.

    Teaching Assistant

    I have been employed part-time as a teaching assistant for the College of Computing since the Spring 2023 for CS 1331: Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming, spanning four semesters.
    • Collaborate with a team of 40+ TAs to assist professors in delivering course content to a large student body, averaging 900 students per semester.
    • Conduct weekly 75-minute recitation sessions to comprehensively review crucial OOP concepts with students.
    • Fulfill the role of Forum Lead, responding to student questions on the course discussion forum.
    • Dedicate a minimum of three hours weekly in the office, providing one-to-one assistance to students.
    • Demonstrate proficiency in interpersonal communication skills and deliver meticulous, tailored feedback to support student growth.


    Project 1

    Plot Visualizer

    Led a 4-member team in developing "Plot Visualizer" to improve STEM education accessibility for students with learning difficulties by transforming graph data into data series through visualization. Github link: here.

    Stock Tweet

    Project 2
    Collaborated within a 4-member team to develop "Stock Tweet," a project customized for PR teams of companies. Devpost link: here.

    Customer Data Analysis

    Successfully completed a 4-week guided study at Apple under the mentorship of a current Apple data analyst, Yiqiong Liu (Contact info: Yiqiong_liu@apple.com, Tel: +1 718-216-9876).


    Feel free to reach out to me:
    Email: qzheng75@gatech.edu
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/zheng-qianyu-365b60250
    Github: https://github.com/qzheng75