Qianyu Zheng


Things I do, including research, academic course projects, and miscellaneous interests.

Personal Projects

HackGT X, 2023
Implement a pipeline to extract source data from various forms of scientific plots.
- Utilized YOLO and fineuned OCR to extract data from various forms of scientific plots.
- Deploy with Flask backend and HTML/CSS frontend.
Oct. 2023 - Dec. 2023
Hacklytics, 2022
A tool tailored for PR teams of companies to analyze impact of tweets on stock prices.
- Trained a word2vec model for tweet analysis.
- Utilized GPT for generation of sample tweets.
- Deploy with Flask backend and Wix on Google Cloud.
Feb. 2023

Course Projects

Projects completed for courses taken at Georgia Tech.

CS 4641: Machine Learning
Design multiple competent Machine Learning pipelines to classify audio genres.
Jan. 2024 - May 2024
CS 2340: Objects and Design
Implement an Android app that helps users track their diet and nutrition. Feature MVVM architecture, Design Patterns, Firebase, and Unit Testing.
Jan. 2024 - May 2024
MATH 3406: A Second Course in Linear Algebra
Investigated the applications of Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) in image compression and signal denoising.
Oct. 2023 - Nov. 2023